Back to Natural Basics (in Content Creation): Focus on the Right Stuff

If I were to define “the right stuff”, I’d have to explain it as the “stuff” you’re good at, you enjoy doing, and that’s most important. So, when I think about going back to natural basics in content and product creation, I’m forced to pay attention to those activities that will hit all three criteria and concentrate my efforts there. Conversely, such focus will require me to take the spotlight off of those activities that aren’t propelling me forward in the right creative direction (basically, those things that I’m not good at, don’t enjoy, and that aren’t important).

I mean shouldn’t we be focusing on those things that we:

  • excel at and that can help benefit ourselves and others?
  • get intrinsic and extrinsic value from spending our time doing?
  • know will move us toward positive outcomes and goal-achievement?

In last Friday’s post, coming off of my several week hiatus, I shared that I’ll be returning to writing as my predominant activity in the products I’ll be creating for my Etsy shop for the foreseeable future; and of course, the writing will continue here at the Degrees of Maternity blog. What you’ll end up noticing about the writing I’ll be doing for the blog is that the content will center around “writing” for the most part.

Can anyone say “writing“? I know I have and will have done so (quite a few times) before this blog post is all said and done.

As I take a magnifying glass to the activity of writing, it most definitely hits on all cylinders when it comes to meeting the three criteria that make up “the right stuff” from my personal perspective.

Writing is something I consider myself to be decent at and have been told by others I’m good at. It’s probably the one activity I can do justice to by simply stringing together the right sets of words on a physical or online page.

Writing is something that I’ve come to absolutely love in my middle-agedness. I can’t picture myself not writing, because it seems to provide me with that purpose-driven calling it’s taken a lifetime to identify. I imagine I’ll continue to put words on a page until I can no longer write anymore.


Writing is probably the single most optimal way for me to get my voice (and the value-added information I have to offer) out into the world for others to benefit from.

Go figure!

And it’s not to say that I won’t be engaging in other creative activities, outside of writing; but, it’s safe to say that my full and undivided attention will strictly be given to writing for the next 2 – 3 months (at the least). Then, I’ll reevaluate what my focus should be when I come to the end of that timeframe. But really, I plan on making writing a mainstay in what I do regularly at Degrees of Maternity.

Check this out. When I say that my blogging will inevitably be about the writing process, it’s because I can’t help expressing what I’m passionate about at a particular point in time. I practically envelop myself in that “thing’ within everything that I do when the inspiration for my passion project hits me.

And what time is it? Well, it’s writing time, of course. I won’t be able to help myself. I’ll be eating, drinking, and sleeping writing, folks. And, I’m prone to sharing my personal journeys where they take me and when they take me. Needless to say, my current travels are leading me right back to “The Road to Authorship” once again.

While in the writing mode, the writing juices will be oozing out of my pores and onto my keyboard or notebook and will, inevitably, end up materializing in written content for your viewing pleasure. So, don’t be alarmed if it seems that I’m operating with a one-track mind. It’s just me getting into the writing zone once again.

As a matter of fact, the top 3 items I have on my list of writing to-dos for the next 2 – 3 months are as follows:

  1. Write a handful of mini e-books.
  2. Take some online writing classes from Skill Share.
  3. Read Writing Children’s Books for Dummies by Lisa Rojany Buccieri and Peter Economy. (I’ve had the book forever and it’s high time I crack it open and give it a read. Oh, by the way, my biggest ambition is still to write children’s fiction someday.) 

(And, if you have any book recommendations on writing children’s lit., please feel free to pass them along to me. I’m looking to get well educated on the subject.)

In conclusion, please understand that you may see a little bit of a shift in the blogging content going forward with a big concentration on all things writing and a little less in the way of all subject matter outside of writing. But don’t leave me hanging. Ride this journey out with me. I enjoy having company when I go on my travels, and sharing my experiences is one of the highlights of what I get to do at Degrees of Maternity. My underlying hope is that those who accompany me on the journey will get some enjoyment out of it too.



2 thoughts on “Back to Natural Basics (in Content Creation): Focus on the Right Stuff

  1. Well, I’m looking forward to checking on your writing journey as well. As a matter of fact, I need to catch up on your wonderful posts. I kind of took a break from reading blogs while I took a break from writing blog posts. But, I’m back now and trying to get caught up. So, I have your great content to enjoy over the weekend. Don’t be surprised when you see a bunch of “likes” from me coming your way. Have a great weekend, Kat.

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